- Principles of Comparative Politics, 4th Edition. 2024. William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. Sage/CQ Press. (1st Edition, 2009; Italian translation, 2011; 2nd Edition 2012; 3rd Edition 2017).
- Foundations of Comparative Politics, 2nd Edition. 2024. William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. Sage/CQ Press. (1st Edition, 2018).
- Multi-level Electoral Politics: Beyond the Second-Order Election Model. 2017. Sona N. Golder, Ignacio Lago, André Blais, Elisabeth Gidengil, & Thomas Gschwend. Oxford University Press [replication files]
- The Logic of Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation. Ohio State University Press. 2006. [replication files]
- All (Electoral) Politics is Local? Candidate’s Regional Roots and Vote Choice. 2024. Philipp Harfst, André Blais, Damien Bol, Sona N. Golder, Jean-François Laslier, Laura Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 34(3): 387-408. [replication files]
- Evaluating Claims of Intersectionality. 2023. Ray Block Jr., Matt Golder and Sona Golder. Journal of Politics 85(3): 795-811.
- Electoral Coalition Signals and Voter Perceptions. 2022. Jinhyuk Jang, Charles Crabtree and Sona N. Golder. Japanese Journal of Political Science 23(2): 167-81. [replication files]
- Permissive Electoral Systems and Descriptive Representation. 2021. Kostanca Dhima, Sona N. Golder, Laura B. Stephenson, and Karine Van der Straeten. Electoral Studies. 73. [replication files]
- Legislative representation and gender (bias). 2019. Sona N. Golder, Charles Crabtree, and Kostanca Dhima. Political Science. 71(1): 1-16. [replication files]
- An earlier version of this article was originally presented as a plenary address at the New Zealand Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, November 2018.
- Partisan Portfolio Allocation in African Democracies. 2018. Margaret H. Ariotti & Sona N. Golder. Comparative Political Studies. 51(3): 341-79. [replication files]
An Exit, Voice, and Loyalty Model of Politics. 2017. William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. British Journal of Political Science. 47(4): 719-748.
- Winner of the 2016 Brian Barry Prize from the British Academy.
Votes for Women: Electoral Systems and Support for Female Candidates. 2017. Sona N. Golder, Laura B. Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten, André Blais, Damien Bol, Philipp Harfst, & Jean-François Laslier. Politics & Gender. 13(1): 107-131.
- Featured on the November 14, 2017 episode of the Parsing Science podcast, “Electoral Systems and Female Candidates – Laura Stephenson”.
- Discussion of voting for women candidates on the Political Science blog, “The Democratic Audit”.
Addressing Europe’s Democratic Deficit: An Experimental Evaluation of the Pan-European District Proposal. 2016. Damien Bol, Philipp Harfst, André Blais, Sona N. Golder, Jean-François Laslier, Laura B. Stephenson, and Karine Van der Straeten. European Union Politics. 17(4): 525-545. [replication files]
A New Approach to the Study of Parties Entering Government. 2015. Garrett Glasgow & Sona N. Golder. British Journal of Political Science. 45(4): 739-754. [replication files]
- Discussion of predicting ‘winners’ in parliamentary elections on the Political Science blog, “The Plot”.
- The EuroVotePlus Experiment. 2015. André Blais, Damien Bol, Philipp Harfst, Sona N. Golder, Jean-François Laslier, Laura B. Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten. European Union Politics. 16(4): 601-615.
- Evaluating a Stochastic Model of Government Formation. 2014. Matt Golder, Sona N. Golder, & David Siegel. Journal of Politics. 76(4): 880-86.
- Portfolio Allocation and the Vote of No Confidence. 2014. Sona N. Golder. & Jacquelyn A. Thomas. British Journal of Political Science. 44(1): 29-39. [replication files]
- Monetary Institutions and the Political Survival of Democratic Leaders. 2013. William Roberts Clark, Sona N. Golder & Paul Poast. International Studies Quarterly. 57(3): 556-567. [online appendix] [replication files]
- Domestic Institutions and Credible Signals. 2012. Gary J. Uzonyi, Mark Souva & Sona N. Golder. International Studies Quarterly. 56(4): 765-776. [replication files]
- New Empirical Strategies for the Study of Parliamentary Government Formation. 2012. Garrett Glasgow, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. Political Analysis. 20(2): 248-270. [replication files]
- Modeling the Institutional Foundations of Parliamentary Government Formation. 2012. Matt Golder, Sona N. Golder & David Siegel. Journal of Politics. 74(2): 1-19. [replication files]
- Who ‘Wins’? Determining the Party of the Prime Minister. 2011. Garrett Glasgow, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. American Journal of Political Science. 55(4): 937-54. [online appendix] [replication files]
- Bargaining Delays in the Government Formation Process. Comparative Political Studies. 2010. Sona N. Golder. Comparative Political Studies. 43(1): 3-32. [replication files]
- Measuring Government Duration and Stability in Central Eastern European Democracies. 2010. Courtenay R. Conrad & Sona N. Golder. European Journal of Political Research. 49(1): 119-150. [replication files] [appendix with data sources]
- Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation in Parliamentary Democracies. 2006. Sona N. Golder. British Journal of Political Science. 36: 193-212. [replication files]
- Pre-Electoral Coalitions in Comparative Perspective: A Test of Existing Hypotheses. 2005. Sona N. Golder. Electoral Studies. 24: 643-63. [replication files]
- Fiscal Policy and the Democratic Process in the European Union. 2002. William Clark, Matt Golder & Sona Nadenichek Golder. European Union Politics. 3: 205-30. [replication files]
- Garrett Glasgow, Matt Golder, & Sona N. Golder. Forthcoming. “Empirical Models of Government Choice.” In Marc Debus & Thomas Bräuninger (eds.) Handbook of Coalition Politics. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- Government Formation and Cabinets. 2015. Sona N. Golder. In Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Wiley).
Edited Symposia
- Symposium: Fake News and the Politics of Misinformation. 2018. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 28(2): 1-89.
- Symposium: Policing and Domestic Security Forces. 2018. Charles Crabtree, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 28(1): 1-92.
Symposium: Race and Ethnic Politics in Comparative Perspective. 2017. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 27(2): 1-112.
- Symposium: Women\Gender and Politics. 2017. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 27(1): 1-109.
Symposium: Populism in Comparative Perspective. 2016. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 26(2): 1-131.
Symposium: Data Access and Research Transparency (DA-RT) and Symposium: The Politics of Space. 2016. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 26(1): 1-108.
- Symposium: Training the Next Generation of Comparative Politics Scholars. 2015. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 25(2): 1-49.
- Symposium: Studying Sensitive Political Phenomena. 2015. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 25(1): 1-50.
- Interview on PRI’s “The World” on The Problem with Coalitions.
- Interview on the Democracy Works podcast on Brexit and the UK’s identify crisis.