

Map of countries in the Council of Europe in 2023

Map of countries in the Council of Europe ( in 2023.

  1. Principles of Comparative Politics, 4th Edition. 2024. William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. Sage/CQ Press. (1st Edition, 2009; Italian translation, 2011; 2nd Edition 2012; 3rd Edition 2017).
  2. Foundations of Comparative Politics, 2nd Edition. 2024. William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. Sage/CQ Press. (1st Edition, 2018).
  3. Multi-level Electoral Politics: Beyond the Second-Order Election Model. 2017. Sona  N.  Golder,  Ignacio LagoAndré BlaisElisabeth Gidengil,  &  Thomas Gschwend. Oxford University Press [replication files]
  4. The Logic of Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation. Ohio State University Press. 2006. [replication files]


  1. All (Electoral) Politics is Local? Candidate’s Regional Roots and Vote Choice. 2024. Philipp Harfst, André Blais, Damien Bol, Sona N. Golder, Jean-François Laslier, Laura Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 34(3): 387-408. [replication files]
  2. Evaluating Claims of Intersectionality. 2023. Ray Block Jr., Matt Golder and Sona Golder. Journal of Politics 85(3): 795-811.
  3. Electoral Coalition Signals and Voter Perceptions. 2022. Jinhyuk Jang, Charles Crabtree and Sona N. Golder. Japanese Journal of Political Science 23(2): 167-81. [replication files]
  4. Permissive Electoral Systems and Descriptive Representation. 2021. Kostanca Dhima, Sona N. Golder, Laura B. Stephenson, and Karine Van der Straeten. Electoral Studies. 73. [replication files]
  5. Legislative representation and gender (bias). 2019. Sona N. Golder, Charles Crabtree, and Kostanca Dhima. Political Science. 71(1): 1-16. [replication files]
  6. Partisan Portfolio Allocation in African Democracies. 2018. Margaret H. Ariotti & Sona N. Golder. Comparative Political Studies. 51(3): 341-79. [replication files]
  7. An Exit, Voice, and Loyalty Model of Politics. 2017. William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. British Journal of Political Science. 47(4): 719-748.
  8. A New Approach to the Study of Parties Entering Government. 2015. Garrett Glasgow & Sona N. Golder.  British Journal of Political Science. 45(4): 739-754. [replication files]
  9. The EuroVotePlus Experiment. 2015.  André Blais, Damien Bol, Philipp Harfst, Sona N. Golder, Jean-François Laslier, Laura B. Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten. European Union Politics. 16(4): 601-615.
  10. Evaluating a Stochastic Model of Government Formation. 2014. Matt Golder, Sona N. Golder, & David Siegel. Journal of Politics.  76(4): 880-86.
  11. Portfolio Allocation and the Vote of No Confidence. 2014. Sona N. Golder. & Jacquelyn A. Thomas. British Journal of Political Science. 44(1): 29-39. [replication files]
  12. Monetary Institutions and the Political Survival of Democratic Leaders. 2013. William Roberts Clark, Sona N. Golder & Paul Poast. International Studies Quarterly. 57(3): 556-567. [online appendix] [replication files]
  13. Domestic Institutions and Credible Signals. 2012. Gary J. Uzonyi, Mark Souva & Sona N. Golder. International Studies Quarterly. 56(4): 765-776. [replication files]
  14. New Empirical Strategies for the Study of Parliamentary Government Formation. 2012. Garrett Glasgow, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder. Political Analysis. 20(2): 248-270. [replication files]
  15. Modeling the Institutional Foundations of Parliamentary Government Formation. 2012. Matt Golder, Sona N. Golder & David Siegel. Journal of Politics. 74(2): 1-19. [replication files]
  16. Who ‘Wins’? Determining the Party of the Prime Minister. 2011. Garrett Glasgow, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder.  American Journal of Political Science. 55(4): 937-54. [online appendix] [replication files]
  17. Bargaining Delays in the Government Formation Process. Comparative Political Studies. 2010. Sona N. Golder. Comparative Political Studies. 43(1): 3-32. [replication files]
  18. Measuring Government Duration and Stability in Central Eastern European Democracies. 2010. Courtenay R. Conrad & Sona N. Golder. European Journal of Political Research. 49(1): 119-150. [replication files] [appendix with data sources]
  19. Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation in Parliamentary Democracies. 2006. Sona N. Golder. British Journal of Political Science. 36: 193-212. [replication files]
  20. Pre-Electoral Coalitions in Comparative Perspective: A Test of Existing Hypotheses. 2005. Sona N. Golder. Electoral Studies. 24: 643-63. [replication files]
  21. Fiscal Policy and the Democratic Process in the European Union. 2002. William Clark, Matt Golder & Sona Nadenichek Golder.  European Union Politics. 3: 205-30. [replication files]


  1. Garrett Glasgow, Matt Golder, & Sona N. Golder. Forthcoming. “Empirical Models of Government Choice.” In Marc Debus & Thomas Bräuninger (eds.) Handbook of Coalition Politics. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  2. Government Formation and Cabinets. 2015. Sona N. Golder.  In Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Wiley).

Edited Symposia

  1. Symposium: Fake News and the Politics of Misinformation. 2018. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 28(2): 1-89.
  2. Symposium: Policing and Domestic Security Forces. 2018. Charles Crabtree, Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 28(1): 1-92.
  3. Symposium: Race and Ethnic Politics in Comparative Perspective. 2017. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 27(2): 1-112.
  4. Symposium: Women\Gender and Politics. 2017. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 27(1): 1-109.
  5. Symposium: Populism in Comparative Perspective. 2016. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 26(2): 1-131.
  6. Symposium: Data Access and Research Transparency (DA-RT) and Symposium: The Politics of Space. 2016. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 26(1): 1-108.
  7. Symposium: Training the Next Generation of Comparative Politics Scholars. 2015. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds).  CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 25(2): 1-49.
  8. Symposium: Studying Sensitive Political Phenomena. 2015. Matt Golder & Sona N. Golder (eds). CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association. 25(1): 1-50.
